Welcome to OCD Party

1. Counting

(Answer: When do I stop?) Originally, I would Perform an AwS until the n-th Performance felt right in my brain. There was no finite limit for me to stop, so theoretically I could be stuck Performing forever. One of the earliest instances for an AwS under this line of thinking was lining up my laptop along the edge of the table: not only did it need to be parallel to the edge (a horizontal alignment), but it had to be *at* the edge (a vertical alignment). Realistically, I would spend 10-20 minutes on an AwS before I developed a new way of thinking.

I eventually decided that I would stop after a specific number of times regardless of whether I felt as though the AwS was Executed beforehand in order to reduce the total amount of time I would spend on an AwS. The number I chose was ten (10), largely because of how whole it felt, but I do not remember the exact reason why. As you may surmise, it was difficult for me to simply move on if none of the first ten Performances felt right.

I developed a finite limit to the total number of times I would Perform an AwS before I considered it Executed "regardless" of whether the n-th time I Peformed it was acceptable.

I count as a pre-Action to the Action.

number limit on Action (10), counting to 10 then doing the Action once, variations

2. Turning

(Answer: What are the categories of Actions?)

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